Alpa Blackburnñ

Alpha Blackburn is CEO of Alpha Designs, LLC., and retired President and CEO of Blackburn Architects. Blackburn Architects’ past projects include the Center for Leadership Development, Purdue University’s Black Cultural Center, Wabash College’s Malcolm X Institute, the 500 Place on the Canal, the Center for Leadership Development and the Artsgarden in the center of downtown Indianapolis. A recipient of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Howard University, Blackburn, better known as “Miss Alpha,” has also painted striking portraits and abstracts and designed celebrity interiors. New York City’s Avery Fisher Hall is just one of many prominent places that have featured her work. Other fashion achievements include designing the original cheerleader uniforms for the Indiana Pacers and Indianapolis Colts. Blackburn served as Fashion Editor for Indianapolis Monthly Magazine nearly a decade, while also hosting a daily half hour local TV show almost 10 years as well. A tireless community advocate, she created and chaired the first ten United Negro College Fund and Circle City Classic Galas for Indiana Black Expo, A longtime chair of the Indiana Civil Rights Commission, she’s served on more than 60 boards and committees, among them the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the United Negro College Fund. Blackburn also led the Integrated Art Programs for both the Indianapolis International Airport and new Eskenazi Hospital, plus several of the signature installations along the Cultural Trail. Her educational impact includes establishing two scholarship funds with a small volunteer committee. One is for freshman arts students at the Herron School of Fine Arts, while the other is a $250,000 Walter Blackburn Scholarship fund at the Central Indiana Community Foundation. The annual Men of Substance and Style Fashion Gala fundraiser will present the new Blackburn Scholars next July. Alpha Blackburn is most deserving of the 2017 Trailblazer’s Fashion Icon Award.

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